Almost a Symphony in the True Sense of the Word

By Shane Pinnegar
A grand and epic conceptual work spanning two discs and led by the staggeringly talented musicianship of Dave Cureton and Adam Gough, IO Earth’s New World is a tour de force of symphonic prog rock.
Not that you could exactly call this a rock n’ roll album: there are passages of rock, near metal in that European, Within Temptation kind of style, but by turns it’s also ambient, orchestral – almost a symphony in the true sense of the word.
Singer Linda Odinsen is the epitome of Nordic power and grace, while a veritable starry host of guest musicians (including Zappa alumni, percussionist Ed Mann, and violinist Jez King) play everything but the kitchen sink – it makes for a deeply adventurous listen, one which stretches the boundaries of what a rock album can be, and one which would be magnificent to hear live with a full orchestra in tow.
Shane Pinnegar: 8,5 out 0f 10